Family Portrait - Dark Roast EP

Family Portrait - Dark Roast EP


In College, Evan Jay Brody lured people to our house with his chiseled face, timeless croon and devastating guitar lines. Back then, Family Portrait tunes were chest heaving, dress twirling rock songs from the depths of outer space reverberating from inside the Earth’s core. Brody was the alien, crafted in man’s image, tasked with bringing his ideas to the people of Earth.

After school, Brody went back home, and a midst the flecked blackness of space, created the The Dark Roast EP. The sole recipient of the Voyager Golden Record, Brody’s time in galactic isolation teaches us a great deal about the layered nature of pop music.The record, recorded in the early winter of 2010, is four pop songs, written to deconstruct the depths of his subconscious (and unconscious), while creating connection to his listeners’ own experiences and perceptions. Breaking through the walls of our defense and coping mechanisms, reaching for the core of our drives and fears.


It Turns
Away From Here
Dark Roast
Pink Elephants

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